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University Mental Health Day - The year with no theme…

In this particularly testing and often unpredictable year, the need for university staff and students to come together to acknowledge and support University Mental Health Day in 2021 is even more relevant than ever before!

In the past, Student Minds and The Mental Health Advisors Network have worked together to raise awareness and offer up a theme for UMHD (University Mental Health Day). In recent years, they’ve championed the #Ripple campaign to shine a light on depression and its many forms. They introduced the #BestNightIn to address the social conventions linked to being a student and how each student experiences university life in a different way. There was also the #LookAfterYourMate campaign, designed to give advice to students on supporting their friend’s mental health.

This year, they’re going rogue...there is no theme!

This is because each university is being challenged to be creative and think outside the box, to really look at what each individual university setting wants to focus on for this poignant and import day of the year.

Essentially, all of us here at Pearson College have been given the golden ticket opportunity to ask our students what really matters to them and to see, what they feel needs highlighting for University Mental Health Day 2021.

In a year full of challenges, isolation, and fear. Where screens replaced human contact and classes went virtual, when nights in were mandatory and hand washing vital. We turn the question over to you.

What theme would you like to focus on? What # should we create?

Send your # suggestions to the Counselling Service to help us pick our theme for UMHD21 from your suggestions.

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