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The Best Cinnamon Buns You Will Ever Have!

Here in the Student Experience team, love our sweet treats! the spirit of the festive season we thought we’d share this incredible ‘Cinnamon Bun’ recipe with you!


The dough:

220ml Water

3 tbsp Sugar

1 tsp salt

1 ¼ tsp yeast

42g butter

390g or 3 cups of flour


57g butter

100g sugar

2tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp ground cardamom


  1. Firstly, you’re gonna want to preheat the oven to 170-180°C.

  2. Let’s start by making the dough. Listed above, combine all the ingredients in a bowl until it become doughy in texture. Shape the dough into a ball and put it to the side and let rise for 1hr.

  3. Now let’s make that amazing filling! Mix together the butter, sugar, cinnamon and cardamom using a spoon until you get a creamy consistency.

  4. Now your dough should be ready! Flour your surface and roll out the dough into a rectangle ( it should roughly be the size of an A3 sheet of paper). Using the paste you just made, smooth the butter/cinnamon mixture over the top!

  5. With the long side facing you, fold in half the rectangle lengthways, wrapping the filling up in the dough. Slice it widthways into roughly 12 strips. Using a sharp knife, cut twice down the length of each strip to make three strands. Plait the three strands and repeat to make 12 individual plaits, take each plait and roll it up along it length to make a knot.

  6. Grease a 12 cup muffin tray and pop the knots into the tray, cover and let to prove for 30 min.

  7. Place in the oven for 15-20 min

  8. Take the buns out and let them cool, top with icing (mix icing sugar and water in a bowl till you get a thick runny consistency), plate up and enjoy! If you enjoyed this delicious recipe, why not take a look at our “Gingerbread House” blog to get some inspiration on fun activities to do whilst at home! Oh, and hit that 'heart' button!


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