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Portfolio Practice: VFX

Hey I’m Ben, the current Short Course Studio Assistant and I’m going to be giving some tips about creating a VFX portfolio.

TLDR: Get inspired, research the competition, and always keep an eye on the end goal.


Before you embark on your next great venture it’s important to work out what your goal is.

Are you applying for modelling roles? A compositing position? FX Artist?

All these jobs have very different requirements and your portfolio needs to reflect that. Whereas a modelling reel will show off wireframes, renders, and turntables an FX reel won’t and will be very different.

An important first step is research, begin looking at reels for jobs you want to apply for and study them. Work out common tropes, and start designing your portfolio with those in mind. It’s also wise to look at job applications of the roles you’re interested in; this way your projects will always be a step towards your future role.


Working out what your next project will be can be tricky. You never know where that spark of inspiration will come from so it’s worth keeping an eye out. Watch films, play games, go for walks, study reels… again.

However, once you have your next idea it’s worth continuing on with the research, not just for reference images but also for other people’s artwork. Looking at other projects can help you identify some common pitfalls and help set your work apart from the competition.


The most important part of creating your portfolio is to enjoy it. After all you are showcasing yourself and what you are capable of. Your portfolio is supposed to be the best of you and you’re only going to create your best work when you’re passionate about what you’re making. So pick something challenging, different and fun.

So I hope those tips help, even if somewhat obvious and best of luck on your next project. I’m sure it’ll be great.


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