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The Geminid Meteor Shower is here!

This December, we’ll be treated to one of the year’s brightest and best meteor showers: the Geminids. The rising of a new moon in the period in which they should be visible (3rd-16th, with the peak on the 14th) means darker skies and more opportunities to spot this amazing spectacle.

But where and how is the best time to do so?

For the best conditions, you want to find a safe location away from streetlights and other sources of light pollution. The meteors can be seen in all parts of the sky, so it’s good to be in a wide-open space where you can scan the night sky with your eyes.

Thankfully, The UK is lucky enough to have some of the largest areas of dark sky in Europe, meaning that the chances of observing the Geminids in their full glory are quite high… But as most of us are living in London where the light pollution is high, maybe your own apartment won’t let you have the best view of this magnificent event. Therefore, you might want to visit one of London’s various parks, or even one of the National Parks closest to London, such as South Downs or New Forest, both roughly 1 hour and a half from London by train.

The meteors can be seen with the naked eye, so no equipment is required – though you will need to let your eyes adjust to the darkness!

Don’t forget that hunting for meteors is a waiting game, so it's best to bring a comfy chair to sit on and a hot drink to sip at as you could be outside for a while.

As for the Geminids themselves, here’s what to expect: the meteors tend to be bold and white, although some are yellow and fewer still red, green, or blue. On a dark and clear night, you can often see 50 or more meteors per hour, and on an optimum night, this figure can rise to as many as 150 per hour. Fortunately, the Geminids are relatively slow-moving compared with other meteor showers, such as the Perseids, increasing your chances of spotting them.

So, get your folding chairs out and make sure you have your nose in the clouds on these upcoming starry nights!

Speaking of meteors! If you're an artist looking for inspiration why not check out our Blog written by Saint himself on where do draw influences from!


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