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Halloween Movies! - The Student Experience Rundown

Who doesn’t love a good spooky movie as that special time of year comes around the corner! As the days are getting darker and colder, why not check out some of our top movie selections as the Student Experience team give you the rundown of their favourite Halloween classics!

First up we have Sebastian’s picks; ‘Hocus Pocus’ for laughs, ‘The Craft’ and ‘Practical Magic’! “I love Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock as witches, plus there are some funny and sweet moments in the film as well as an exorcism!”

If those classics weren’t enough, Sapphire and Maddie’s top picks were ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ and ‘Twighlight’. As Maddie put it, “it reminds me of Autumn and it's a throwback to me being 14 on Halloween crushing over Taylor Lautner”. (Got to admire the bravery to admit that one!)

Tom’s top picks are ‘Beetlejuice’ because “This is definitely one of the lighter movie choices on this list and, if you don't laugh out loud, you may already be dead! If this all wasn't good enough, its lead character is probably one of the easiest outfits to dress up in for Halloween!”

And if you fair on the side of liking the scarier movies then these guys have you covered! Samuel's pick was the entire ‘SAW’ series, which is understandable as they are freaky and thrilling whilst Michael's choice of Halloween movie is ‘The Blair Witch Project’ (1999). According to Michael, he links the feelings he felt during watching ‘The Blair Witch Project’ back to when he was a kid, spending “a lot of time orienteering or playing Hide and Seek or It/Tag with friends in the woods” near his house. So when he finally got the chance to watch it, those feelings of being alone in the woods, with no light and the unsettling feelings by what could be watching you and all the strange sounds you simply didn't notice before.

Happy Hallows Eve Everyone!


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