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A week in the life of Martina - Head of Student Experience

I should start this blog by saying that I belong to a very special group of people who like Mondays. Actually, that’s not accurate… I like Friday but I LOVE Monday! And before you close this page, let me explain. I’m very lucky to love my job; waking up on Monday mornings thinking “Yay, another week!”.

I began my time here at the college in November 2014 and can safely say, when I go to the office and think of all the things I have to do, I smile (which according to my boss classifies me as a weirdo). I’m constantly surrounded by great people and have a fantastic team that puts up with all my crazy ideas and makes them reality. I also see talents blooming every day. I witness our students fly the nest and start amazing careers and I proudly think “I contributed to that!”.

They inspired me so much that I started a master myself and oh my goodness! The struggle is real. When I’m not in a meeting with my team, I’m preparing a presentation for my master. When I’m not answering emails, I’m reading journal articles. I went through so many different emotions… I had a panic attack in the library, I cried on the phone with various people (-insert ‘thank you’ speech here-), I had so much coffee that I was writing assignments in my dreams! I even started laughing hysterically at very wrong times (que eye twitch from lack of sleep)!

But there is one emotion that has never abandoned me which is gratitude. People mistakenly think that I’m a positive person, but the truth is that I’m not. I’m just thankful for everything that life gives me on a daily basis: amazing people, fantastic opportunities, dark chocolate with raspberry, red wine… And the best thing is that now… I love Fridays too (working is nice but sleeping is not that bad either)!


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